Monday, October 27, 2014

Today is the Greatest

"Today is the greatest... day I've ever known. Can't wait for tomorrow.. I might not have that long."- Smashing Pumpkins

   I heard this song for the first time forever ago.. I honestly cant remember when I first heard it. The other day I was driving home from kind of a rough day of work and it came on the radio. First thing I thought was "How do I know this song?" Then I started really listening to the words and I couldn't help but smile. I moved back home for a few months and its been probably the hardest transition I've ever had to endure. It was not something I ever really planned on doing and have found myself focusing a lot on the struggles I've faced during this time.
   Since this song came on the radio a few days ago, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. And now I know why. This song talks about the Greatest Day I've Ever Known... so what was mine? What day in my short 21 years of living is the greatest day I've ever known? Was it that time in High School when Michelle and I ditched class and broke into my house just to eat some brownies? Was it the day my dad took my sister and I to Mesa Verde and we went horse back riding and visited the ruins? Or the many dance parties Emily and I had in my bedroom...Was it sitting around a campfire playing and listening to music or 4 wheeling up the mountain yelling ridiculous things with my friends? Was my greatest day that date I went on with that boy or the day I climbed Stairway to Heaven or what about that time one summer we spent on the boat?
   I've been thinking a lot about what the greatest day of my short life has been so far. And trying to figure this out has taught me one important thing. I don't have that Greatest Day ever that I can pinpoint and always look back on. Instead I have a summer where I met some of my closest friends, I have massage school where I met some truly amazing people, I have those crazy spontaneous adventures and crazy  memories with my wonderful family. I've been blessed to not just have one truly great day, but to have many. They are all too special to me for different reasons to be able to pinpoint one day that stood out from them all. There is still a chance that day may someday come, and when it does I hope Ill be able to recognize it. But for now I'm choosing to live each day as the greatest. I'm choosing to make a memory each day to make it great in its own special way. Because if one thing I've learned throughout my life its that things can change in an instant. People who were once a part of your life may leave, Places you once called home may change, and friends move on. So we cant waste a single second of it. We cant wait till tomorrow... because its true, it may never come. I challenge you to think what your greatest day is and I hope that in the process, like me, you may find how truly blessed you are.