Monday, February 25, 2013

Waiting for the Finish Line

So as many of you know I have had my CNA for about 2 years now. I have tried hard to get a job but it is just difficult here in Logan, UT. Anyway, the time has finally come and I have finally gotten a job working at a retirement home. I am seriously so excited. This is one of those moments where you get to thinking and I just realized that sometimes it is worth the wait. There is a reason why it took me until now to finally get this job. I know that I needed to go through the experiences that I did leading up to this occasion. I know that this happens with anything you are waiting for in life. When it comes to waiting for love, it is worth the wait to not settle and let your heart go to someone who truly deserves you. When it comes to school, there is no need to rush through your education. Take your time to get your degree that wait could be worth it in the end. Waiting sometimes can be a huge blessing. I know that it was for me today. Someone posted this on facebook today and I really liked it.  This is so true. Sometimes we need to take that time to not think constantly of what it is we are waiting for and just focus more on what we need to do before we get there. It is not the finish line we should be so worried about, it is the road that leads us there that really should take up most of our concern. Learn to enjoy life and enjoy those waiting moments. Because when the wait is over. When that one thing you can check off your list is done. Then, then it was all worth it. I know to many people me getting this job really doesnt seem like that big of a deal. But its just one of those little examples of how the wait can be worth it and can be such a huge blessing. So dont just stare at the finish line focusing on how far away it is. Look at the road ahead and take each moment step by step. As my favorite Christmas Movie says "Just put one foot in front of the other." <3

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