Well.... my last post I was trying a new workout thing. Guess Im not very good at the blogging about it part since it has been MONTHS since I was last on here. Just so you know- I liked the 21 Day Fix ha, I ended up doing it for like 4 months.
Anyway, today Ive just been thinking a lot about life and where life is going. People define SUCCESS in different ways. It is:
- the attainment of popularity or profit
- making lots of money
- not sucking
- high standing, well paying job
- free from personal evaluation
Websters Dictionary defines it as "a favorable or desired outcome." So, like I said before... this "outcome" is going to be different for each person you talk to. So how do you know if you have become successful in life? Well- for me I've put a lot of thought into this. I feel like I will be successful in life if: I have a family who loves me, I can provide for myself and take care of myself, I am happy/ can find happiness everyday. But most of all- I just want to love myself. How can you be successful in life if you dont even know how to love yourself.
Im working really hard lately on the whole self love thing. I mean really it is the center behind everything in my life. How can I love another if I cant love me. How can I expect someone else to love me if I cant love me. How can I be happy if I cant love me. How can I have self confidence if I cant love me. So basically- I need to learn to fall in love with myself, and just be myself.
"Be Who You are- Not Who the World Wants You to Be"
I love this saying. We all wear masks everyday. Well- I know I always felt like I was hiding behind a mask. I felt like I had to always be this person for everyone else's sake. So now Im choosing me. Im choosing my happiness and Im choosing my love. Buttttt that said, its not very easy to do. Its difficult to learn to stop worrying about other people's judgement and just do what you want. But I dont want to live my entire life based on what other people might think. I have this thing I do- if I start feeling like I am going to be judged for something Im wearing or doing; I put myself in someone else's shoes. If I were to see somebody else on the street wearing or doing what I am about to, would I judge them? Most of the time the answer is no.... and sometimes if I find it to be yes then I realize half the time its just cause Im being judgemental and thats even worse.
I love this picture because it is so true. Stop worrying about everybody else. No matter what you do or who you are somebody out there is always going to be judging you. So just forget about them and do what makes you happy. I have chosen to spend 3 1/2 months traveling New Zealand. No Im not working or going with anybody or anything like that. Yes I am nervous but also sooooo freaking excited. But when I tell others- I see the thoughts and the judgement. People tend to think its a stupid idea, or Im dumb for going alone, or Im wasting my money. Truth is, it doesnt matter what they all think because its not going to change my mind as to whether or not Im going. No matter what they think its not going to change my plans because I am doing what I wanna do. I am choosing me.
"I got dressed for myself this morning. Put on eyeliner for myself. Put on my favorite
red lipstick for myself. Showed a bit of skin for myself. I wanted to be beautiful for myself."
I know I always tend to ramble- but I guess basically Im trying to get to this point. Success for many has to do with money. Please people, change your mindset. Its true that all the money in the world wont buy you happiness unless you know what happiness is. And how can you be happy if you dont love and choose yourself first. Im not saying choose yourself in a selfish manor- but choose your happiness before changing who you are to satisfy someone else's happiness. "The Greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think."
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