Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happily Ever After

    My whole life Ive been in love with fairy tails. Especially fairy tail romances. I absolutely loved Disney Princess movies and how somehow prince charming was always able to save the princess and take her to a better, happier place. I guess thats what started my obsession with love stories; both real and fake. I wanted a prince charming to come in and whisk me away to some magical, happy, loving place where I no longer had to worry about anything. I kept watching my friends have these awesome love stories; and honestly I dont even know if theyve ever thought about it. But I have. Im always thinking about the love story. Weve got the friend who met her husband in class but wasnt available, and weve got the one where they became absolute best friends who fell in love, theres also the friends who fell in love practically against all odds. I mean these are love stories to me. They are the stories I think about and I want someday. Ive tried to make them happen for me. I mean just about any guy I dated/had a fling with/had a crush on I came up with a story for. Here's just a few to give an idea:
- met dancing but I was taken
- met at a New Years Party
- gave my number to my waiter (that was him)
- we were college neighbors
- he was my best friend that i fell for
Of course - we met on tinder
And you cant forget - we met 4 days before his mission
I know lots of girls think ahead in relationships to what things would be like; and honestly half the time I didnt even really like the guy that much. But that didnt matter. I never could seem to control my mind from coming up with "Our Story." Honestly I have no idea why I do this. And it kinda sucks because no matter how much I do or do not like the guy, when things end (And yes for now I do mean when) its not the guy I tend to miss. Its the story. I miss how great our story could have been. I want a story that when people ask how you two met, their reaction is something along the lines of "awweee thats so cute." I often wonder if guys can sense that maybe Im getting ahead in a relationship or something It always makes me laugh when I hear that line "Im just not ready for anything right now." Truth is your not ready for me. And thats totally fine. Ill get over you.... but as pathetic as it may be... Im going to miss how cute our story could have been. So though I may not get my Prince Charming and have my night at the ball story, I am sure that though it is not in my control nor can I choose how it may happen, I will have my story someday. I will find the story that makes me want to tell it over and over again. Ill have my "awe thats so cute" moments and Ill have it for the rest of my life. Im not sure what the point of all of this was.... but I guess bottom line is people are always saying fairy tails are unrealistic and they will never happen. I only think thats true to a point. I think I can get my Prince Charming and I think that I can be taken to a happier, loving place where Ill have my story to tell the rest of my life.

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